Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

Okay, first and foremost, my sympathy's go out to everyone hurt/injured/killed, etc in katrina and it's aftermath, along with their families.

My problem is with the friggin press and the people spreading rumors, that and that fact that people are acting surprised by the devasation..... Let's add this up, you build a city below sea level between a major river and the gulf of mexico, you build non-reinforced dirt levee's to hold the water back... 1+1=2 people, what the fuck did you expect to happen?

Okay, there's my rant about that part, and yes, I realize some people didn't have a choice but to live there, blah blah blah, whatever.

Stop spreading rumors people, I just read an article about how a newspaper was claiming that there were infants murdered and children raped, etc. You know what people, stop making up rumors just to make the situation sound worse than it is. It makes me think of that one good point in "bowling for columbine" when Michael Moore is in Canada and is shocked about the fact that the news shows happy things, and not this murder, that murder, and this shooting, etc. Put aside the rest of the film, and the creator, because I know how some people feel about him, and I don't want a friggin flamewar.

I have a close family member that went over there with the Air Force to see what's really going on, I can't wait for him to come home so I can find out first hand without it being trumped up, exaggerated, or utterly and completely made up.

If you care about what's going on, get off your ass and go donate blood. Not because it's needed down there, but because even if it's not used down there, it will still do a lot of good.


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