Sunday, October 16, 2005

DVD Cases

Okay, now for something that really pisses me off. How many of you non-commenting slime have ever spent a fucking hour opening god damned DVD cases??? Seriously, for the next 5 minutes, I take back all of my rage against bad drivers, idiots, bad engineers, etc and direct all of it at whoever thought it was a good idea to put 3 fucking stickers completely covering each side of a goddamn DVD case and then shrinkwrap the whole fucking mess.

Give me a break people, I think in todays world we know there's a fucking "security device enclosed". Besides, if you put the friggin security device in the case, isn't the point to catch someone in the act of stealing something? I think you'll probably notice them walking out the goddam store with a bag full of DVD's that just coincidentally sets off the fucking alarms at the front of the store. If you're one of those stores where no employee's actually notice the alarms, or just don't care, then don't put the goddamn magnetic strip inside the case in the first place and save me $1 a DVD and the 5 minutes it takes to take off all the fucking stickers.

Now I'm going to end this before I get onto how Hollywood needs to start actually making movies worth buying and how people will actually be willing to pay for them, assuming it's not something a studio pulled out of their collective asses while smiling because they know they'll make millions anyway, and what's the fucking point in making something decent when you can just shit all over some paper and call it a script and make a movie from it? Okay, so that's enough about Pearl Harbor for now I suppose.


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