Saturday, September 23, 2006

Sometimes life just hands you material....

So in my last post I decided to openly mock S about her relationship with her cousin. I didn't even go off on a tangent about how they do that kind of inbreeding, etc in weird places like oh say Montana. You know what I mean, the kind of place where the biggest story in the news paper has "If a man on Mountain Park Drive doesn’t stop publicly doing what he does, he’s either going to go blind or get arrested." for a headline....

S, I truly apologize for what I have to do, but it was inevitable, almost as inevitable as me misspelling something or creating a horrible run-on sentence that really makes no sense and lacks in making a point. Just had to include my obligatory comments about Stef and her cousin that live in Cletusandbritneyville, Montana.

So S decided to e-mail about 30 of us with her quarterly press release about what she's been up to. She's in Montana, looking for an apartment, etc. She said the cost of living is a lot different than DC. I pulled up some housing information to see what the general costs are in the area.....

Almost every home has a comment added that says "phone service available".... Available? I'm sure that's including cellular options as well..... Available???? Good god people are you serious? I'd probably have to have a DS3 run out there just to maintain my sanity. God forbid I was unable to blog! I know I never do now, but I can dammit!

S has the hots for her cousin! Her cousin!! I can't wait for the wedding, between her dad and I, we'll have blog material for a decade.


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