Wednesday, October 28, 2009

An ode to stupid people...

So I got a Nigerian scam e-mail just the other day. I thought this one was particularly well done. In the spirit of the Nigerian scam, it took advantage of stupid people and their willingness to openly share their bank account information with anyone that has an e-mail address and spells their name three different ways in a single e-mail.

The e-mail I received was actually in the form of a contract to purchase "bonny light crude oil" at an amazing rate of $1.00 per barrel, and in the same contract it was also, $2, $3,$5, and free. It actually had a block for me to fill in my bank account information and a space for me to initial and sign on each page.

I for one, support the nigerian scam as a concept, granted, stealing peoples money is wrong. However, is it stealing when they offer it to you so freely? Or in this case, if they sign a contract saying you can have it? At a minimum these people should be identified, publicly mocked, and stripped of all internet connectivity.


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