Monday, October 26, 2009

Wake up you non-commenting slime, I'm back....

Well you slackers (yes, I, the guy who just made a post after more than 3 years of non-posting laziness, just called you slackers.) I have decided it's time to start posting again. I have been collecting material for some time now and I thought I would start to share some with you "people".

So let's get this party started shall we? Three years of absence in one-post, this should set some records:

1. S married her cousin. Yes, it happened. This is Montana we're talking about here, so that's perfectly acceptable behavior. She claim's they are not really cousins, but I think that's just Montanan for "we ain't antirely shure, so we's jes sayin we arnt". Britney and Cletus were invited to the wedding, but didn't show because the pickup broke down on account of the duct tape holding the axle on givin' out again.

2. J got rid of dipshit finally. Apparently the whole process went like this:
J: "I want a divorce"
Dip: "Okay, can I still touch your boobs?"
J: "No"
Dip: "That's not fair"
That pretty much describes the whole relationship now that I think about it.


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