Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yuppie 911!

So I read this article, about something being dubbed "yuppie 911" and all of you non-commenting slime know how much I hate yuppie scum....

Now-a-days with technology, we have all kinds of capabilities, including, apparently, the ability to call for water from the bottom of the Grand Canyon (for those of you that are challenged in terms of elementary school topics...the canyon was formed by a river...one that still flows through the canyon). The article mentions a group of people, fathers and sons, that went on a hiking trip through the canyon. Apparently they used the "panic button" on their GPS device to signal for rescuers to come and help them. When rescuers arrived, the group informed them that they couldn't find any water. The rescuers left water even though the group had found a stream.

The next day they pushed it again, calling in rescuers, because the water they had found tasted salty....This is two times, in two days....the rescuers left water.

On day three, they hit the button again, because we, as human beings, apparently have a problem with fucking evolution. Now, I will grant you that evolution is not perfect, it allowed us to get to the point where we, through the use of technology, actually keep dumb fucks like these people alive. In essence we are encouraging stupidity and encouraging survival of the weakest.

Does anyone else see a fucking problem here? I mean seriously people. I remember this story that was really popular when I was a kid called "The boy that cried wolf" and the moral of the story was if you keep crying wolf, or in this case "crying dumbass", eventually people will stop listening and ignore you....Apparently all the fucking pansies out there that encourage shit like "participation trophies" and "everyone is a winner" type behavior, have modified the story a bit, and the moral is now "keep crying, the more you cry the more people will help you"

Survival of the fittest people. I understand that people think it's cruel to let nature take it's course, but you know what people, life is not a fucking Disney movie. Actually, scratch that, remember Bambi? Well fucktards, guess what...Bambi's mom got killed, and Bambi learned from it.....Bambi learned "don't stand in front of the dude with the gun" oddly enough Bambi survived, at least until Godzilla showed up.

For those of you that are un-informed: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpBkc2jK-6w


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