Friday, October 30, 2009

The problem with the world today is a serious lack of common sense.

Every day there are prime examples of the lack of common sense in the world today. Just the toher day there was this article:

Kid suspended from school for brining empty shotgun shells to school...What's worse, they were blanks to begin with.

Seriously people? Spent shotgun shells are probably less dangerous than pens and pencils. In fact, I bet you'd be pretty damn hard pressed to find someone that was killed or injured by spent shells. On the other hand, you might be able to find people killed or injured by pens and pencils pretty quickly. Why do schools now-a-days make such a big deal about nothing? I mean come on. When I was a kid I remember riding my bike to school carrying a 6 foot long model rocket and a duffel bag full of solid fuel model rocket engines, ignitors, and wadding. That same school expelled a kid three years later for bringing a model rocket to school, without engines, ignitors, etc.

Get real people, in fifth grade I had to give a report dressed as Davy Crockett, Davy Crockett carried a rifle... My school's principal said "nice costume". He had common sense and knew that the fake flint-lock rifle in my hand was not a threat to anyone. Neither was the knife, which I carried every day, because a knife is a tool, not a weapon. Now, I'd be branded a terrorist and put on the no-fly list, or sent to Guantanimo Bay. Thanks W.

My teacher at the time said "wow, that's a cool rocket, let me take a look at that." and then used it as a prop for science lessons. Now-a-days all you get is: "oh my god, a model rocket made of cardboard, plastic and glue, everyone duck and cover! call the police!" followed by a lesson in creationism.

The Future of Today's Youth.


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