Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloween, no shortage of entertainment here

Okay so given that Halloween has just passed, I feel it necessary to point out the stupidity of some of the people on this planet.

First and foremost, there was an article I read today in the Denver post talking about how poison control centers got a bunch of calls from people about drinking the fluid inside of glow sticks....Not just children either. Let's take a closer look at this for a second. You have a hard plastic stick full of fluid (calm down ladies) that glows if you break the fragile cylinder inside. Now, this fragile glass cylinder produces tiny shards of plastic or glass or whatever the fuck when you break it. Little shards, that sounds really delicious to me! Yumm! Not too mention, how many fucking things on this planet that glow in bright neon colors are good for you? Unless you're talking about licking some frog found in a rain forest, you are likely to die from it. And in most cases from the frog too, however some will produce a really cool light show before you die. Not as cool as the "floating lights in the sky" that A previously reported, however.

Second act of stupidity for the weekend was courtesy of Tony. His Halloween party to be more accurate, and the video's/photo's of G that will now come to mind every time he enters the office. Also, Tony proposed to his girlfriend. Congratulations Tony and B. We look forward to many, many, many (please? pretty please?) future video's of G demonstrating his utterly hilarious drunken dancing skills.

B, I swear I found this picture before we saw the pictures from the proposal....


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