Friday, December 16, 2005

Caught This On a Blog This Morning

DON'T post to a blog

I cannot stress this enough: do not let a girl see you posting to any kind of blog. You will never, ever get laid. Seriously. Take it from me.

I just have one thing to say to this dude..... "twice last night and once this morning." I get the feeling this guy is one of those nerdy computer geek types that couldn't get a girl with a $100 bill hanging out of his zipper. Uhhmmm... Actually... nevermind, happy net-surfing everyone.

Monday, December 12, 2005

I Claim No Responsibility For Your Actions

Let me be abundantly clear on this point people, sometimes I do some things that are, well, pretty fucked up. Mostly because I tend to get away with shit that most people have to pay for, get fined for, get arrested for, get deported for, etc. I would like to specifically state once again that I claim NO responsibility for your actions. However, I do ask that if you do something you see on my blog, please relay the story to me in some way shape or form so I can openly mock and humiliate you as I am about to do to K.

For some background info, please read: Alltel Story

So this evening I was talking to K on AIM, as I do from time to time. She mentioned today that she's having a pretty shitty time lately, and I feel bad for her. After all she has mono, it's finals week, and she's been without a cell phone for 2 weeks now. Yah that part caught my attention too, she's been without a cell phone for two weeks now.....

Apparently, by her own admission, she intentionally threw her cell phone at a brick wall and destroyed it in the process. Strangely enough, the provider won't replace it for her. In fact they want to charge her $100 if they do give her a replacement. It just goes to show you that ALL cellular providers are cock gobblers and deserve to be taken out back and beaten senseless with a 2x4, or tire iron, whatever is closest.

Instead of paying the crappy ass provider (t-mobile) she has opted to buy a new phone on e-bay for $154. Yes people, she graduated from a public skool jst lke us, andd is guud at matth.